Friday, May 13, 2011

1st Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage

As we revel in our yearly celebration of swapping 29 years of wedded spit I thought an open letter to my man might put things into perspective for all those newlyweds.

Dearest Big,

As I reminisce on our wedding day I thought back to all the little mishaps that could have marred our picture perfect day.

The evening before, we caravanned with the wedding party to my childhood church like lemmings for the rehearsal but wait, who was missing from our ragged crew? Why only the bridesmaid who lived three blocks away, she was out shopping for the perfect earrings. Are you f*cking kidding me? Either pack up you crap or I’m taking your dress and bouncing, it’s my day b*tch and I’m feeling a tiny bit high strung. With pastel blue fluff under my arm I bolted, squeezed the ring bearers mom into the frock as a backup. You negotiated with the little scene stealer to arrive on set with fake smile and good manners.

The service was beautiful, sun shining through stained glass windows, making those of us that had orange mimosas with breakfast a tad bit woozy. Hurry, hurry, hurry I willed the Jamaican pastor before I pass out. I jammed your ring on the wrong hand hoping to starve off fainting resulting in your finger swelling to 5 times its original size. Stellar pictures of you trying to wrench that little slave band off and break for freedom.

For those who don’t know, New Jersey is the east coast equivalent of Seattle, raining more days than not. It poured buckets the day before and the day after but our special day was clear and sunny. Perfect for taking a few pictures at the park. And with all bad weather residents, it was overflowing with people enjoying the 15 minutes of available sunshine. And who do we see casually tossing a Frisbee? Why our friend Fred, whose invitation was returned address unknown. Quick run home and change and join our little party, what’s one more.

With a little time to kill before the reception we opted to hoist a few drinks at the place of our first blind date, the Rock Bottom Inn. A hole in the wall bar was perhaps not the best place to wear white, but who really thought we’d pass for virgins. Ahem, I mean what a horrible place to take young innocents.

But the Pièce de résistance? Two days before the wedding the caterer died from a heart attack. How awful, but the entire kitchen and wait staff were weeping big gulping sobs the entire time they served. Instead of people congratulating us, they spent making sympathetic clucking noises. Here is one of your favorite meals my darling.

Hungarian Chicken
4 chicken breasts
4 tablespoons butter
1 small onion chopped
1 clove garlic minced
1 rib celery chopped
½ bay leaf
2 sprigs parsley chopped
½ teaspoon thyme
2 tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons flour
2 cups chicken broth
Salt and pepper to taste
½ cup sour cream

In large skillet brown chicken breasts in half the butter, and set aside. Melt remaining butter in the same skillet and sauté onion, garlic, celery, bay leaf, parsley, thyme and paprika until onion is wilted. Stir in tomato paste and flour, pour in broth and stir rapidly with wire whisk. Return chicken to the skillet and simmer over low heat for 20 minute. Stir in sour cream and heat throughout without boiling. Serve over hot egg noodles.

But my darling David, there a thousands of ways you’ve shown me you’re the man for me.

Letting everyone know how proud you are of how strong and accomplished I am, but letting me feel safe and protected by you always.

Stopping for little old ladies to change flat tires on the side of the road.

Pumping gas for me when I was pregnant since you knew it made me feel sick.

Holding my hand when I came home from the hospital when my mom was dying while I ate cold bowls of cereal before collapsing in bed.

You make me want to be a better person, you make me who I am, you make me whole. You are my love and my life, always.


Kristina P. said...

Awww, so sweet! We had a horrible blizzard on our wedding day. It was slightly depressing, but I was young and in love, so who cared!

mamahasspoken said...

Aw that was a sweet story about your wedding day! I had a wonderful day too and all my MIL can remember is my aunt that ran after the beer truck at the reception....

Empty Nester said...

That was just about the sweetest tribute I've ever read! What a great couple! Happy Anniversary!

Ami said...

Happy Anniversary!
Bummer about the caterer.

Yeah, it was driving me insane that I couldn't post.

Shawn said...

Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful tribute to your Hubby and I loved reading about your wedding!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Clare and Gary said...

What a great post.. congratulations!..

1 Funky Woman said...

This was so sweet! You both are lucky to be together or as my husband and I say, "We might as well continue being married, who would want either one of us?"

Congrats on swapping spit for 29 years! Loved the pictures!


XmasDolly said...

Great Post & great memories. Thanks for signing up at our Recipe Swap Meet. Due to Blogger complications it took me a while to get over here, but I made it. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Red Nomad OZ said...

AWWWW ... but I don't get it! Are you trying to encourage marriage, or put people off???

Only kidding, congratulations!!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!

Great wedding story - a lesson best learned early: Just roll with it, YOU make it good!

Annie (Lady M) x said...

Aww Happy Anniversary! That was a really romantic post.I didn't think that it was like that after the first 7 years had gone past ;-) !!

Mark said...

Funny and Beautiful!
Congratulations on 29 years!
And why do you call him Big? You got this gay man's mind a-wonderin!

Ms. G said...

Aww, Wonderful! Happy Anniversary : )

CkretsGalore said...

That was lovely Mrs.Tuna! I hope that after so much time we can still reflect positively on each other.

Oh and shush...made me a lil weepy. I don't want it to get around that I'm soft.

Happy Anniversary you crazy kids.

MommyHeadache said...

Congratulations you pair of nutters! Lovely tribute.

Nicole Leigh Shaw said...

Happy Anniversary from another gal who got married in NJ. Well done post!

Janie Junebug said...

Such a funny and touching post. Congratulations on your anniversary.

Infinities of love,

Denise said...

You are funny! New public follower here. I saw you on Hoppin Weekend. I will follow you in twitter and like you in facebook, if you are in there too, just let me know. I hope you will follow me back. Here are my links: and @DeniseLillaRose : )

I Wonder Wye said...

Love this. Your wedding photo is awesome -- ours is B/W too - love B/W photos. Your wedding sounded fraught and fun and harried and authentic, for lack of a better word...just like your marriage...and it's wonderful to know you wouldn't have it any other way...

Rebecca said...

I love this letter. Visiting from Mrs 4444 Saturday Sampling~ Happy Anniversary~

Mrs4444 said...

Awww...this was sweet. I'm surprised at how many details you remember!(especially since some were better forgotten!haha) And the rest is history! Congratulations :)

Java said...

That was so adorable!! What a beautiful post! You guys really love each other and that is a rarity these days!
Congrats to you both and may you have many, many more years of love!!!

lovinangels said...

Happy Anniversary! This post made laugh, as all your posts do. And then I had guilt from laughing about some guy dying.

I cooked my own wedding, so it would have been a big problem if MY caterer passed.

Ashley said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm here to follow you from Hoppin' Weekend, hoping you'll hop over and follow me back! -Shopaholic Mommy

ShanLeigh said...

Happy Anniversary. A funny yet very touching post.

Pinching Abe said...

I'm here from a weekend blog hop. Nice to meet you! I'm a new follower. I hope you can stop by to visit me sometime :)

We're closing in on 15 years married here. My DJ was (allegedly) drunk (or high?) This is the stuff of memories!

Ca88andra said...

Ok, I'm not really wiping a tear from my eye, its just that maybe an eyelash got stuck or something... Wonderful post!

Lorie Shewbridge said...

What a wonderful post and tribute to your husband, he sounds like a marvelous man. Happy anniversary.
Thank you for sharing your delicious recipe with us on our recipe swap meme, like Dolly, it took me a while to get over here because of the issues with blogger, uurrrgggg!
Wishing you many more years of happiness with Dave.

The barefoot lifting witch said...

Oh so beautiful! Happy wedding anniversary! I'll just have to make this Hungarian chicken for my beloved as a homage to you x

I'm So Fancy said...

I love it! Nicely said. But the caterer keeling over, that's something.

Heather said...

Happy Anniversary. Ya'll are great!

Kat said...

What a bright and beautiful day to join a blog hop!

Just popping by to say hello and follow your blog!

I'm Kat the author/editor of The Vivification of Mrs. Moment (MrsMoment.Com). VMM is a A blossoming community of storytellers weaving true tales about fleeting moments that touch our lives in incalculable ways. Plus, excerpts from my odd little life.

Stop by, get involved, tell a story, and follow back. We love to welcome new writers into our community.

Peace and illumination,


Anonymous said...

What a great post! I think it's very sweet. Thank you for following Random Deals. Here to return the favor. :)

Also if you haven't had a chance to check it out we have a Blog Hop Library with over 200 blog hops(seriously)!

We now have an Ongoing Giveaway Linky on our new Giveaways page too. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I loved your story!

Shanae Branham said...

What a fun post! Happy anniversary! I’m your newest follower. I found you off of “I love my online friends Monday hop”. Cheers,

My Blog

julie gardner said...

I can't believe the caterer died. SERIOUSLY?

Loved this post. I'm a sucker for a good anniversary rewind ~

Many more happy years to you both.
(The caterer, not so much...)

Anonymous said...

thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. this is such a sweet note to your hubby :-) i can only hope that after 29 years of marriage, i can write something as sweet as this to my significant other :-)

Leslie said...

HA! Loved this post. Thanks for stopping by "the house"!

twelvedaysold said...

Great post! Congrats on 29 years!

Lisa said...

That was so sweet! Happy Anniversary!

Kelly L said...

This was a beautiful post - you had me crying when you said he pumped your gas when you were pregnant and had me weeping when he was there for you during the loss of your mom... My husband held me up when my dad passed away a couple of years ago.. I can relate.. Loved the 80's styles... I don't think my bridesmaids have forgiven me yet for making them wear long bright red with puffy sleeve dresses.. lol - Thanks once again for a great post!
and congratulations!
I've Become My Mother
I've Become My Mother facebook

Marnie said...

Happy Anniversary!! I loved this post. You have a really nice husband, however that is most likely because you are a really nice wife :0) I loved your pictures. You two looked great then and now! xo

Wickless in Seattle said...

What a great story. Makes me want to go and give my hubbie a great big kiss. Congratulations on your anniversary and wishing you many more happy years together.

doreen said...

Happy Anniversary! What a great story how could you possibly not make it!
Thank you for the positive comment about the book; I am getting very anxious!!

myevil3yearold said...

So sweet. I loved the post! Happy Anniversary

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

Aww - what a great wedding story - you certainly had moments to remember! Love that you stopped off and had a cocktail at your first date place. You are my kinda gal, Dawn!

Bridget McCarthy said...

What a wonderful story! And now I must try this recipe...

recipes health beauty said...

Hi,visiting from the Social Parade Follow on Friday Blog-Hop. I'm now following your blog. I would love if you could return the favor.

Thank you.

Trudy said...

That is so sweet. Congratulations to you both. I am visiting from Never Growing Old Friday Blog Hop.

Anne Cherie said...




I'm Amy from Cherie Girl (where EVERYone is fabulous). I'm you newest follower on your blog :-D I hope you can follow back XOXO

Lindsey Stipes said...

sweet post...following now from the blog hop!! have a great weekend!!

~ Mona said...

Happy anniversary and congrats on 29 years.

I'm here from: Follow Friday 40 and Over

I'm now your newest follower.

~ Mona : )

Style, Decor & More said...

Lovely post! Happy Anniversary! We're celebrating 23 years next week!

I'm a new follower from the "Over 40" hop!
Hope you can hop by and visit my blog too. If you like giveaways, I have one for Enjoy Hair Care Thermal Spray.
Have a great weekend!

Marla said...

Well, this is just flipping great. Now I'm sobbing again. Happy Anniversary anyway.

The Girl Next Door said...

Found your comment on my blog (I have no idea what "best post of the week" is but please do tell?). This is a darling post and I am so happy you and your man have found love that can last. And humor. You clearly have a great sense of humor!

MommaKiss said...

that's true love right there - to go on and celebrate wedded bliss after the caterer croaked.

Happy Anni, hot stuff.

Anna Garcia said...

Happy Anniversary ! And Many More To Come.

Gina Jacobs Thomas said...

So absolutely sweet. Happy Anniversary! 29 years, wow! What's your secret? And, BTW, I'm hungry now after reading your blog. I'm coming in from voiceBoks, a great community of bloggers, amazing people who would probably also drool uncontrollably from your posts. Stop on in if you get a chance! Following along...

MOMmetime said...

I just spent the last 10 minutes reading other post laughing and then I get to this ~now I'm super sweet thank you for sharing! I hope your anniversary was everything you wanted it to be.