Monday, June 13, 2011

Sangria and the Stand Up Comedienne

Statistics are still sucking, big time. Spent an amusing time with my main homies this weekend between reckless study sessions so once again, a repost based on my girls.

My girlfriends call me the funniest person they ever met. The question becomes is that a compliment or a criticism, you be the judge. Maybe it’s the because I was scarred as the middle child of seven with only an eight year difference from the youngest to oldest . Perhaps resulting in snappy one liners that make them scream with laughter so as not to be ignored. My parents, in addition to raising a tribe of comics, breed standard poodles, not those yappy future coyote bait pups, but the great big ones. The trouble with poodles is that if they do something funny and you laugh they will do it continually to the point it is no longer amusing, I am Fifi, hear me roar.

Periodically, the Big Tuna gets tired of my endless babbling and encourages me to have a Girls Weekend in order to wear out my sharp tongue. I went this past weekend to a cabin with the usual suspects, naturally Bebe, Lady Godiva who cuts all of our hair and the Sitter, who not only watched our children growing up, but now keeps us under control so we don’t run with scissors. The more we drink the more outrageous things spew out of my mouth. I keep thinking , this will be the thing that makes them gasp in horror, but it never happens. The only quiet they got from me was on the forced nature walk/death march and that was primarily to keep from tripping over a rock by not paying attention.

It all starts with an innocent glass of wine, but Sangria, oh so much smoother going down.

1 Bottle White Wine
½ Cup Peach Schnapps
2 Tablespoons Orange Liquor
2 Tablespoons Sugar
2 Cinnamon Sticks
1 Lemon Sliced
1 Orange Sliced
1 Peach Sliced
20 Ounces Club Soda
1 Tray Ice Cubes

You can substitute other fruit for the peach, I’ve used strawberries or even blueberries. Perfect drink on the deck overlooking the wilderness. A few glasses and we all got a bit giddy. I’d heard from Sheldon that if you take shots from above it makes you look thinner, standing on top of the deck railing taking downward shots is filled with its own peril. I also did a fine imitation of Helga, the yoga instructor, “you there, tall girl, have you never taken a yoga class before? Widen your flamingo legs and get closer to the floor”.

Just remember, “What happens at girl’s camp stays at girl’s camp”. That is of course until I post it on my blog.


twelvedaysold said...

Do people ever introduce you as the funny person? My friends do that all the time. "Oh, Katie! She's hilarious!!!" and then I'm the most awkward dud the rest of the night.

Not Blessed Mama said...

i'd love to share some sangria with you, mrs. tuna.

mamahasspoken said...

The problem with being known as the funny one is no one takes you serious when you try your hardest to be. Though I'd rather be known as funny than a stick in the mud!

Ami said...

I've always said, 'If you can punt it, it's not a dog.'

I make people take my photo standing slightly above me so I have to tilt my head up. Helps hide the fourple chin.

And I think you're funny. People think I am, too.

Can we both be funny?

Janie Junebug said...

My Dear Mrs. Tuna, This post is a goodie. You are indeed hilarious.


Empty Nester said...

You truly are hilarious and it's a huge COMPLIMENT! I would love to have your company for a girls night with Sangria! I love Sangria and I'm going to try your recipe the last weekend in June when all the lovelies and their boytoys are home!

I'm passing an award on to you today! I'll have it up in just a bit!

CkretsGalore said...

Mmmmm I could go for one of those right now!

The barefoot lifting witch said...

This is my favourite recipe so far...and one which I'll be attempting as soon as humanly possible x

Shell said...

Oh, that sounds so good. :)

Sandra said...

First of all, what do you mean: no comment payback? I thought you were all "I'm chained to my stats textbook!"
Who loves you? Who loves you? I do, that's who!
And so since you aren't as dedicated to learning formulas and the blah-blah-blahs of stats as I thought you would be...yeah, whatever, I know you're dying of boredom...I am here to read your newest. And yes, I bet you are a quick witted one, and with a little booze in ya, who knows what would come spewing forth, all blog fodder. Next time you're drinking, carry notepad and pen please!

Adreinne @ Stories said...

That sounds like the perfect summer drink!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other posters, you are very funny - actually you are hysterical and I would so love to be sharing sangria with you on that balcony.
Thanks so much for linking with us again.
Lorie of The Shewbridges of Central Florida

Ms. G said...

You are a Funny Lady! I bet you're a blast to share the Sangria with. I'll have to try that sometime instead of mutttering my jokes to myself and then laughing until I notice everyone is looking at me weird ; )

Hilary said...

You are hysterical! Love this post!!! Like so many others, I would love to share some Sangria with you!

Cathy said...

I always know I'm in for a treat when I come to visit. Your posts make me chuckle and I think you are indeed very funny.

Nick said...

You can cook chicken a la king any time, one of my favorites

Mrs. Pickle said...

Holy hell I have to make that! If it gets me as drunk as last time when my husband had to convince me that fucking our neighbor would not be Christian then sign me up!

Unknown said...

Great post!!! I'm so glad you were bred for your sense of humor!!! Lol!! Glad you had a great girls weekend!! I'm jealous, but I'll live!!! Have a great weekend!

I'm still laughing over the electric shock treatment comment you left on my post!!! Thanks for a very well needed laugh!!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Well it was the laugh I needed. I say bring on those drinks :). What stays in Vegas that is until bloggers come to town ... lol

Sorry about the pony!

Shannon said...

I love those girls' weekends. We have a twice annual PPP party that is my savior!

Annie (Lady M) x said...

You are a funny git! So is it true - your parents literally had one child a year, for SEVEN years? Jesus, Mary Mother of God ..... they must be made of stern stuff! ;-)

P.S. I want to try that cocktail!

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

Ahh, Mrs, Tuna, the siren call of the sangria. I like to add a touch of Bacardi Limon to mine, which is almost duplicate to your recipe.

Arvilla said...

I shall follow said she, just don't lead me over the cliff. I love the blog, and love the wine recipe gonna have to try it soon! Follow me back please and have a great Friday!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

thanks for visiting my blog the other day...much appreciated. your sounds like fun!

SZM said...

Here is your comment, Mrs. Tuna ;-) This Sangria recipe sounds great. And for the record I would love to be one of your usual suspects on a girls weekend. I have a particular fondness for snarky humor!

Lisa said...

I made sangria last weekend, but your recipe sounds a lot better! I'm going to have to try it next time we have a girly get together!

Emily said...

Oh, I am so jealous! I can't drink due to medications, and girls night out? Say what now?

Unknown said...

I think I will have to try this recipe!

Tracy Wilson said...

OMG- you're funny as...well, you know.
I am so glad you stopped by so I could return the favor.

P.S.- I fixed my follower boxes. Thank you for letting me know:)

About JollyJilly said...

Hi im a new follower from the blog hop
I really enjoyed your blog and hope you will visit me over in the uk anytime